Plex Media Server for Windows

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Plex Media Server for Windows

Plex Media Server for Windows

Plex Media Server for Windows

Plex Media Server for Windows Features:

Plex is the key to personal media bliss. Once you download our free and easy-to-use software where you store your files (usually a computer or external hard drive), it takes care of the rest. Plex magically scans and organizes your files, automatically sorting your media beautifully and intuitively in your Plex library. Once you've downloaded our app on your favorite devices, you'll be up and streaming everything in minutes.

Movies & TV
Whether you're jonesing for your favorite episode or you want to binge on your collection of movies, Plex beautifully organizes all the videos you own AND makes it easy to find what you want to watch, on any device.

Whether you call yourself an audiophile, music-lover, or your group's designated DJ, Plex makes it easy to access all of your tracks and stream to any device.

Photos & Videos
Share, reminisce, and give your moments the spotlight on any device you choose. With feature-rich options for organization and without the need to upload to a cloud, Plex is the ideal solution for anyone with loads of high-quality photos in any format.

Go ahead, stream free
With Plex you can watch over 20,000 free movies and shows, plus Live TV on almost any device. What are you waiting for?

Plex Media Server for Windows Info:

Quick-Start & Step by Step Guides for Plex Media Server
Quick Start
This quick-start is the fastest way to set up and start using your very own Plex Media Server. Should you need more detailed instructions, the links provided should help!

Setting Up and Installing the Plex Media Server
Download and run the installer for Plex Media Server.
Tip!: It’s important to understand that Plex Media Server does not have its own graphical user interface. When you run the server on your computer, NAS, or other device, you won’t see a window open with a “server UI” or similar. Instead, you use our web app to manage your server.

Using Plex for the First Time
The very first time the server runs, it should launch a browser to sign you in (or create a new account) and start the Setup Wizard.

Completing the Plex Media Server Setup
The short Setup Wizard will help you configure your server and account. It will also help you create and add media to your libraries. There is often some preparation of files needed, but you can set up a test library now and rebuild it at any time.

Installing Plex Apps
Once the server is running, you can download and install apps for any of your devices.

Exploring Plex
After your devices are connected, there is plenty of other functionality to explore!

Plex Media Server for Windows

Plex Media Server for Windows Information:
Getting started with Plex isn’t really any different than installing other software, except that you first install the server software. Then, you install apps on your devices so that each device can connect to the server.

Preparing and Organizing Your Media Collection
Getting your media set up can be an important step. As you set up your Plex Media Server, you’ll be creating libraries for your media—movies, TV shows, music, photos, and home videos. When you do so, Plex will identify and match content like movies and TV shows and then gather things like movie poster artwork, movie casts, TV episode descriptions, and more to make your collections beautiful.

Plex will do its best to automatically identify and match your content. You can help that process out and give yourself the very best results by ensuring that your content follows our media preparation guidelines.

1. Setting Up and Installing the Plex Media Server
Choosing a Server—the Server Requirements
Plex Media Server can run on Windows, Mac, or Linux computers—some people use their every-day computer, others have a dedicated computer. It can also be installed on a compatible network attached storage (NAS) device. Generally, Plex works just fine on most modern computers.

Plex Media Server Performance Considerations
There are two really important considerations with regards to performance.

First, the Plex Media Server can allow multiple people to view content at the same time. Say everyone in your home views media on Plex at the same time, particularly video—the server has to work harder. So, the more people you expect to view media at the same time, the more powerful the server needs to be. Second, when Plex prepares your files for certain devices or for the available bandwidth, we convert (or “transcode”) the content on-the-fly. This also takes a lot of server resources when it happens, but allows you to watch all your content, no matter how big, on all your devices, no matter how small.

If your server isn’t powerful enough for how you use it, you will notice playback issues such as stuttering, buffering, or sometimes even an inability to play at all. If this happens, it usually means the CPU can’t keep up with the number of users or the amount of transcoding or both. So, you might consider upgrading your hardware. It may also mean that your hardware is fine but your network is too slow.

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